Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This 1s Only a Test of Conscientious People

This article spotlighting a set of twin sisters who have both reached 100 years of age and a book by Howard Friedman PhD convey ideas about longevity that point towards the hypothesis that living by your conscience leads to longer life. There is a brief moment where what kind of conscience and principals lead towards the best form of life. The evidence shows that people who live a life free of divorce and by principals outlined in the Bible live longer lives. Check out this link if you're interested in what they may have to say.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This 1s Only a Test of National Censuring

So, I’ve been having trouble accessing Google’s blog pages this week due to an issue with the censuring of materials by the government of the country I’m presently residing in. I’m simply trying to test my ability to post via Live Writer regardless of the issues.