I gave my word, a word of love, to you
That though the problems of this time -
The bickering, strife and petty crime -
That robs us of our humanity is rife,
Despite my nature, my hypocrisy,
My laughable attempts at mediocrity,
My sometimes deep and sometimes shallow self,
When paired with you would be beautiful.
Beauty, not that of TV ads or billboard signs -
The kind from which good men avert their eyes,
But beauty that defines itself in truth and life
That says for me I need one faithful wife.
That kind of love and truth and beauty are
The very thing that mirrors heavens heart.
If we could find such perfect love on earth
Then heaven has begun to show it's worth
And art's true form when brought before us
Would no more scare or blind or bore us.
Instead, in joy we'd see it was all for us.
I love you!! What a wonderful poem! Thank you love!!! I look forward to more and more years with you! I'm so thankful for our partnership! God is molding us and so often it's a lot of fun! Thank you for choosing me! I love you!